Live Demo
Automated E2E Monitoring
What you will see after a click on 'start' is not a video, but a display of a container that is started on the fly. The Sakuli test within runs the following process and sends the performance data to the shown monitoring system:
- System under Test is a ticket web-tool and a Windows application
- Sakuli simulates a process with those tools using web- and native interactions
- Sakuli imitates different roles - an end-user and a business person by logging into the system with different credentials
- The generated Ticket number will be stored into an excel file
- Sakuli paints its own logo in Paint (this of course is only to show the power of native interaction)
- Incoming Email is validated in Gmail
- Finally the runtime and performance data of the respective steps are sent to a Monitoring System
On the first display yo will see the running test via noVNC and on the second display you can watch and control the Grafana Dashboard.